Talking Evolution workshop report

…discussed the infamous Nature comment debate piece, Does evolutionary theory need a rethink?, which we later came to understand misrepresented both sides of the debate. The discussion left us wondering:…

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Niche construction, feedback cascades, and how food is produced in Polynesia

…knowledge of agricultural techniques (e.g. arboriculture, dryland production), as well as parasites and non-domesticated commensals (e.g. Polynesian rat). Not only did humans have direct impacts on the new ecosystems they…

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Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory

…from many different fields to encourage discussions across empirical and theoretical biology, philosophy and history of science, computer science, and anthropology. The atmosphere buzzed with enthusiasm and excitement. The title…

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“Evolutionary Causation” (2019): Interview with co-editor Tobias Uller

…the book   Lynn Chiu: Tobias, it is incredible to see high profile scientists and philosophers come together to discuss foundational issues in evolutionary biology. What unifies these chapters and…

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Domestication and Agriculture are the Outcome of Plant Gene-Human Culture Coevolution

…environment (e.g., water, salinity, soil composition), the biotic environment (e.g., domesticated species, pests including insects, fungi, and weeds), and the social environment (e.g., social norms, regulation, markets). As such, agriculture…

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Synthesising Arguments and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…large grants associated with the EES.   Combining philosophical and the biological sciences methods and tools can be both conceptually and empirically fruitful. Looking beyond the EES, one can point…

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Niche Construction: a new resource website

…niche construction comes across in the website’s pages, that it starts to become widely used, and eventually becomes cherished by the community.   Kevin Laland and Lynn Chiu May 2020…

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The macroevolutionary consequences of island hopping

…biogeographic group.     Our new study, published in Nature Communications, took advantage of this setting to find out if morphological diversification proceeded in a different way following colonization of…

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Macro-evolutionary dynamics of niche construction

…dynamics of niche construction and ecosystem engineering, with the model’s predictions to be tested using data from the fossil record.   Publications Conflicts of interest improve collective computation of adaptive…

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Prof David Krakauer

David Krakauer is the President and William H Miller Professor of Complex Systems at the Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA. A graduate of the University of London, Krakauer earned…

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