‘Lá vou eu outra vez’ – As esperanças de Waddington finalmente serão cumpridas? Parte I

…que seus professores de embriologia operavam como artesãos ou artistas preocupados com representações esteticamente agradáveis de embriões devidamente montados e corados, e ainda estavam travando batalhas antigas sobre descendência comum….

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How to fit in: The learning principles of cell differentiation

…by one of the inputs, a little bit more complex if it is determined by a linear combination of the inputs (e.g. cell gets the state “A” if both inputs…

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Deconstructing niche construction: A TVOL conversation between Gordon Burghardt and Kevin Laland

…synthesis than any of these other fields with which it shares a common mindset.   Gordon: Thanks for this compact description, which we will explore more thoroughly later. At the…

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Synergistic Selection and the Self-Made Man

combination of factors – bipedalism, tool use, social cooperation, and competition between “tribes”.)   However, there is an important – albeit implicit – common denominator among all these theories. They…

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La plasticidad de comportamiento y desarrollo de los escarabajos estercoleros les permite sobrellevar el estrés térmico a través de las generaciones

…efecto potencial en la aptitud de los fenotipos de generaciones subsiguientes, y su contribución a la divergencia poblacional. En consecuencia, no comprendemos por completo si las respuestas plásticas producidas en…

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Physical mechanisms of development and evolution: An interview with Stuart Newman

…you get biological complexity than getting complexity suddenly and not having to compete in an existing niche but going and creating a completely new one. Those two things put together,…

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‘Lá vou eu outra vez’ – As esperanças de Waddington finalmente serão cumpridas? Parte II

…um resultado em vez de outro (p 45). Waddington considerava o embrião como um conjunto de competências, um sistema dinâmico nebuloso e multi-determinado, não como uma máquina já instruída por…

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‘The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions’ Workshop Report

…in Evolutionary Biology”, was delivered by Peter Hammerstein. He stressed the need to produce a comprehensive and comprehensible account of the EES for future generations of biologists (and this pedagogical…

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Research project 7: The origins of organismal complexity

…phylogenetic comparative analyses on carefully selected species of algae, fungi and cyanobacteria, as well as experimental evolution on volvocine algae. For the phylogenetic analyses they are comparing phenotypic and genetic…

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Research project 9: The evolution of inclusive heredity through the genomic interactions of symbionts

…theory. Classic ecological theory predicts that community stability should decline as species number increases in competing communities5, which also holds true for genomic conflict theory. In contrast, niche construction theory…

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