Prof Günter Wagner

Günter Wagner is Alison Richard Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University. Wagner’s research program aims at understanding the evolution of complex characters. This problem has many dimensions,…

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“Here I Go Again”—will Waddington’s hopes finally be fulfilled? Part III

…quantity over quality and simplicity over complexity that drives contemporary biological research—the hunt for the “quick (scientific) buck” (Tools for Thought, 1977, p. 23-24). By the 1970s, he feared the…

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Dr Miguel Brun-Usan

…Isaac Salazar-Ciudad, after doing a master in Evolutionary Biology in the Complutense University of Madrid. Miguel’s research interests are Evolutionary-Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo), theoretical biology, complex systems and systems biology. Through…

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Kostas Kouvaris

…developmental plasticity. Kostas achieved a BSc in computational mathematics and an MSc in artificial intelligence. His research interests are in complex adaptive systems; in particular, the interplay between structure and…

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Badyaev AV

Evolutionary Significance of Phenotypic Accommodation in Novel Environments: An Empirical Test of the Baldwin Effect. Phil Trans R Soc B. 2009;364(March):1125–41.

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Badyaev AV

Origin of the fittest: link between emergent variation and evolutionary change as a critical question in evolutionary biology. Proc R Soc B. 2011;278(1714):1921-1929.

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Dr Andrew Berdahl 

examples of complex systems – rich group-level phenomena arising from interactions between many relatively simple constituents. Andrew combines experiments, empirical data, computer simulations and theory to explore collective sensing and…

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27 Positions Available: Niche Choice, Niche Conformance, Niche Construction (NC3)

  A collaborative research centre (SFB) has recently been funded by the German Research Foundation for the period 2018 to 2021 to produce a conceptual and empirical synthesis of individualisation…

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A/Prof John Gibbons

…his BS from Keene State College in 2005 and his PhD from Vanderbilt University in 2012, where he awarded the Graduate Student Research Excellence Award in Biological Sciences. Gibbons’ research

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A/Prof Charlie Cornwallis

…Professorship. Research topics of the Cornwallis group include: promiscuity and the evolution of cooperation; sexual cooperation and harm; and reproductive isolation and genetic mate compatibility. The group uses a combination…

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