A TVOL interview with philosopher Kim Sterelny: A conversation about the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

common for scientific inquiry to begin with simple models and then add complexity as needed – even though the topic was known to be complex all along. One final question:…

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The unlikely but fruitful waltz of a curious couple: Phenotypic plasticity and learning theory

…known for many years, especially in the field of computer sciences: they are the logical functions derived from Boolean algebra. These functions allow us to describe specific relationships between combinations…

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La plasticità comportamentale e di sviluppo consentono agli scarabei stercorari di far fronte allo stress termico nel corso di generazioni

…O. taurus.     Analizzando i complessi cambiamenti climatici in atto sul nostro pianeta, la comunità scientifica si trova concorde nell’affermare che le temperature medie globali stanno aumentando rapidamente. I…

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Why is the EES contentious?

…how Darwinian adaptive evolution works” Mary Jane West-Eberhard One commentator characterized EES research themes as a “laundry list” of ideas that have little in common with each other. Is that…

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How to make general theories of evolution applicable to complex special cases

Sean Rice, Texas Tech University, USA   Keynote talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPORokl4SX4…

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Extended Heredity: An interview with Russell Bonduriansky and Troy Day

…principle at least, it is relatively straightforward to incorporate extended heredity into evolutionary theory. That combination of accessibility and rigor is very compelling, and I expect the book to have…

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The variational ratchet: Intuiting the variational approach to niche construction

…inheritance negatively impact the complementarity of developing conspecifics when that inheritance is uninformative (i.e., semantically poor), but yields the highest level of complementarity when the inheritance is informative (i.e., semantically…

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Complex Systems Summer School 2017

…systems research. These include nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation, scaling theory, information theory and computation theory, adaptation and evolution, network structure and dynamics, adaptive computation techniques, computer modeling tools and…

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Who’s afraid of the Extended Synthesis?

…is at this point. That paper provides: i) a comparison of core assumptions of the two frameworks (Table 1); ii) a comparison of different interpretations of a number of biological…

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Is social transmission a forgotten force in coevolution?

…this problem for prey as many predators can (potentially) learn from an encounter with a single prey individual.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnjyviXKmrI     One of the characteristics of antagonistic coevolution…

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