Behaviour, Development and Evolution

In my latest book, Behaviour, Development and Evolution, I take a systems biology approach to understanding the evolution and development of behavior. Themes that run though the book are the…

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Domestication and Agriculture are the Outcome of Plant Gene-Human Culture Coevolution

…in ongoing coevolution of biomes (i.e., the entire complex body of living organisms including plants, animals, and microorganisms), CCE, GCC, and ENC (Box 6)     To conclude, early plant…

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Organism-Constructed Environments are Different

…living organisms are far-from-equilibrium systems relative to their surrounds, and that to preserve their out-of-equilibrium status and create order organisms must actively do work (i.e. they must engage in niche…

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A TVOL interview with philosopher Kim Sterelny: A conversation about the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…you mean by these terms? What job does the MS do, and in what ways do you envisage the EES providing an alternative?   KS: Think for example of the…

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What animal social learning can teach evolutionary biology

In November, a colloquium of the National Academy of Sciences, entitled The Extension of Biology through Culture, celebrated a coming of age of animal social learning research. The meeting, co-organised…

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Adaptation through niche construction and microbiome function in Onthophagus beetles

…10.1111/een.12703   Diplogastrellus nematodes are sexually transmitted mutualists that alter the bacterial and fungal communities of their beetle host. [download PDF] Ledón-Rettig CC, Moczek AP, Ragsdale EJ. 2018. PNAS DOI:…

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Early Career Spotlight with Illiam Jackson

…liked under the EES project.   Check out his new paper:   Developmental bias in the fossil record. [download PDF] Illiam S. C. Jackson. 2019. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12312…

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Early Career Spotlight with Thomas Oudman

…them even more wonderful.   Lynn: Thank you, Thomas, for sharing these papers and insights!   Check out Thomas Oudman’s personal website:   Read about research project 9: The…

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The variational ratchet: Intuiting the variational approach to niche construction

…Ross Ashby, for whom modeling and inference were necessary attributes of living, self-organized systems enduring over time.   Put another way, organisms must increase the complementarity of the probability distribution…

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Synthesising Arguments and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…become relevant. The kinds of questions philosophers have historically asked influence what they research now. In just the same way, the modelling frameworks, benchtop tools, and model organisms of scientists…

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