Evolution Driven by Organismal Behavior

…to traditional (externalist) views of evolution whereby organisms engage in an incessant, suffocating struggle in which, through selection, the properties of environments shape the properties of organisms, and where organisms

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Domestication as a model system for the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…Wund’s4 call for a gold standard ‘single system’ combining multiple interacting constructive processes and inheritance systems that can be used to comprehend complex evolutionary processes. Moreover, the increasingly robust archaeological,…

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Research project 7: The origins of organismal complexity

‘The origins of organismal complexity’ is one of six research projects under the second theme, Evolutionary Innovations, in the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis research program. Charlie Cornwallis and Per Lundberg, together…

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Research project 9: The evolution of inclusive heredity through the genomic interactions of symbionts

…to test their theoretical predictions. They will use artificial microbiomes varying in their degree of microbial community deficiency and test whether the developmental consequence of these differentially deficient microbial communities…

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The role of developmental plasticity in innovation and diversification of Onthophagus beetles

…programming mitigate the transgenerational effects of temperature in dung beetles. [download PDF] Macagno ALM, Zattara EE, Ezeakudo O, Moczek AP, Ledón‐Rettig CC. 2018. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05215.   The role of…

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Maternally transmitted dung beetle microbiota are species-specific, and impact host development across generations

…beetles. Ecological Entomology DOI: 10.1111/een.12703 [download pdf]     This work is part of project #13 in the EES research program, entitled Adaptation through niche construction and microbiome function in…

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‘The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions’ Workshop Report

…second that deals with explanatory standards. Epistemic goals are complex scientific problems consisting of a set of related questions.4 An epistemic goal for the EES, among others, is to understand…

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United fronts: Unity, organization, and syntheses in the life sciences

…Helen Anne Curry) traced the recent history of four different research traditions in systems biology. Looking particularly at the garnering of grants and formation of large, interdisciplinary research institutes, Vermeulen…

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From plasticity to diversity: accommodation of ancestral plasticity results in divergent developmental rates in spadefoot toads

…a commonly tested hypothesis in evolutionary studies. To assess how common genetic accommodation is, we can search for systems where phenotypic divergence across derived lineages mirrors phenotypic plasticity in the…

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What can horned beetles tell us about the mechanisms of plasticity and their evolution?

…recent “behind the paper” article (from the Nature Research Ecology & Evolution Community) on her new paper “What can horned beetles tell us about the mechanisms of plasticity and their…

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