The evolution of anti-teaching

…our model, the skill is not specified, and as mentioned above may be anything from knowledge of a beneficial location to a complex tool. Starting very simply, anti-teaching could manifest…

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La plasticidad de comportamiento y desarrollo de los escarabajos estercoleros les permite sobrellevar el estrés térmico a través de las generaciones

…dung beetles. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05215. [pdf]     Anna LM Macagno Senior research associate, Department of Biology, Indiana University   Eduardo E Zattara Investigador Adjunto, INIBIOMA, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones…

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Introducing EES Update

…Extended Evolutionary Synthesis project:   Website: Blog: Twitter: @EES_Update Facebook: EES Update   Our objective is to provide a service to evolutionary biology and neighboring fields with helpful…

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A TVOL interview with philosopher Kim Sterelny: A conversation about the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

common for scientific inquiry to begin with simple models and then add complexity as needed – even though the topic was known to be complex all along. One final question:…

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Extended evolutionary synthesis needs to include the social sciences

…own right, let us also recognize that the tools are shovel-ready for extending this synthesis to include the full complexities of social systems at community, societal, and even planetary scales….

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‘Lá vou eu outra vez’ – As esperanças de Waddington finalmente serão cumpridas? Parte I

…que seus professores de embriologia operavam como artesãos ou artistas preocupados com representações esteticamente agradáveis de embriões devidamente montados e corados, e ainda estavam travando batalhas antigas sobre descendência comum….

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How to fit in: The learning principles of cell differentiation

…of plasticity in terms of “multi-dimensional” reaction norms, but these remain largely unexplored.   This work provides new conceptual tools to characterise these “multi-dimensional” reaction norms and to better understand…

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A/Prof Richard Watson

…publications on topics spanning artificial life, robotics, evolutionary computation, population genetics, neural networks and computational biology. At Southampton, he’s building his research programme and leading preparation of a new MSc…

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Conditional gene expression, developmental plasticity, and the diversification of horned beetles

…AP 2017. J Evol Biol 10.1111/jeb.13079 [pdf]     You can contact the lead author, Melissa Pespeni, via email.     This study is part of the EES research program…

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Niche construction and evolutionary diversity in experimental marine microbial communities

…quantified.   Publications Form, function and physics: the ecology of biogenic stabilisation. [download PDF] Paterson DM, Hope JA, Kenworthy J, Biles CL, Gerbersdorf SU. 2018. J Soils Sediments 18:3044–3054.  …

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