Epigenetic inheritance in evolution: an interview with Eva Jablonka

…and nobody took any notice for a long time. Now it’s clear that some epigenetic mechanisms are not replication mechanisms; they are reconstruction mechanisms.   One has to remember that…

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La plasticità comportamentale e di sviluppo consentono agli scarabei stercorari di far fronte allo stress termico nel corso di generazioni

…mitigate the transgenerational effects of temperature in dung beetles. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05215. [pdf]     Anna LM Macagno Senior research associate, Department of Biology, Indiana University   Eduardo E Zattara…

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What evolutionary developmental biology (evo devo) brings to evolutionary biology

…‘How do novel complex traits originate?’ is such a question. How does a major invention in evolution come into being in the first place? What are the baby steps of…

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D’Arcy Thompson and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…are unnecessary. For instance, the fact that honeybee comb cells are hexagonal in cross-section might not require an explanation in terms of natural selection fashioning bee cognition in a way…

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Adaptation through genes without change to the genome: host adaptation via change in its microbiome composition

…microbiomes through time. [download PDF] Kolodny O, Weinberg M, Reshef L, Harten L, Hefetz A, Gophna U, Feldman MW, Yovel Y. 2018. Nat Ecol Evol DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0731-z   Blog posts…

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Human influences on evolution: Theme issue

Niche construction refers to a process by which organisms modify their environments through their evolved traits, which in turn can feed back on the organisms themselves by modifying the selection…

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Research project 7: The origins of organismal complexity

…developmental mechanisms, in the transition to more complex biological organization.   Together these studies will increase our understanding of how selection interacts with the way organisms are constructed to influence…

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StuFest- Celebrating Stuart Kauffman’s 80th Birthday

for free”, providing an additional mechanism, besides natural selection, to obtain the complexity we see in biological organisms. This view was most explicitly and elaborately expressed in his now-classic book…

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United Fronts: Unity, Organisation and Syntheses in the Life Sciences

…perspectives.   Spaces for the workshop are limited. If you are interested in attending, please contact Andrew Buskell before 29 January 2018.   Location: Cambridge, UK More information: download PDF

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