Extra-genetic inheritance and adaptation to novel environments

…to toxic cyanobacteria and offspring fitness in Daphnia magna: Implications for the evolution of anticipatory maternal effects. [download PDF] Radersma R, Hegg A, Noble DWA, Uller T. 2018. Ecology and…

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Workshop report: Cause and Process in Evolution

…organism has one trait rather than another, often in terms of natural selection.” Put simply, proximate causes answer “how” questions, while ultimate causes answer “why” questions.   It was Ernst…

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Niche construction, feedback cascades, and how food is produced in Polynesia

…and importance of niche construction in agricultural development in Polynesia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 51:173-186. [download pdf]     1. Kirch PV. 1982. Archaeology in Oceania 17:1-6. 2. Athens JS….

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‘Lá vou eu outra vez’ – As esperanças de Waddington finalmente serão cumpridas? Parte II

…da epigenética.         1. Hamburger, “Hilde Mangold,” 10. 2. Spemann and H. [Pröscholdt] Mangold, “Induction of Embryonic Primordia”; and DeRobertis, “Spemann’s Organizer.” 3. Spemann and H. [Pröscholdt]…

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Conference on Complex Systems 2018

complex systems. For more information and registration, visit the conference website.   Location: Thessaloniki, Greece Abstract deadline: 4 May 2018 Registration deadline: 15 August 2018 More information and registration: conference…

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How evolution learns from experience

…also shed light on how lineages maintain the ability to evolve as they adapt.   Publications How adaptive plasticity evolves when selected against. [download PDF] Rago A, Kouvaris K, Uller…

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The EES in philosophical focus

[download PDF] Uller T, Helanterä H. 2017. Br J Philos Sci axx050.   Blog posts How do living beings fulfil the conditions for evolution by natural selection? Uller T &…

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Prof Sir Patrick Bateson

Prof Sir Patrick Bateson sadly passed away on 1 August 2017. An obituary for Prof Bateson was published in Nature. [download PDF]…

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Developmental bias and evolution

…detail, read the paper here: Uller T, Moczek AP, Watson RA, Brakefield PM, Laland KN. 2018. Developmental bias and evolution: A regulatory network perspective. Genetics 209:1-18 DOI: 10.1534/genetics.118.300995. [download pdf]…

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Developmental bias and the origin of adaptive variation

…evolution: A regulatory network perspective. [download PDF] Uller T, Moczek AP, Watson RA, Brakefield PM, Laland KN. 2018. Genetics DOI: 10.1534/genetics.118.300995.   Blog posts Developmental bias and evolution Uller T….

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