IWEE Leeds 19

7-8 March 2019   IWEE19 is the 2019 Interdisciplinary Workshop on Evolution and Ecology: Bringing Science, History and Philosophy Together. IWEE19 aims at bringing together postgraduate students and early-career researchers…

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Coral reefs and niche construction: quantifying patterns

…infer growth and fitness metrics by comparing reconstructions of the same reef site through time.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMsnYTLcfmQ&feature=youtu.be     The study is taking place in Lizard Island (Australia), where…

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Call for papers: Biosemiotics special issue ‘Semiotic aspects of the extended synthesis’

  The Springer journal Biosemiotics is preparing a special issue on ‘Semiotic aspects of the extended synthesis’, guest-edited by Andrew Winters. This special issue aims to understand the extent to…

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How to make general theories of evolution applicable to complex special cases

Sean Rice, Texas Tech University, USA   Keynote talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPORokl4SX4…

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The project

…themes. Experimental and theoretical studies test EES claims by comparing and evaluating predictions from traditional and EES perspectives.   Visit Research projects to learn more about each of the 22…

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Workshop report: Developmental Biases in Evolution

…quite uniformly, color combination variation appears to have a clear bias. Somehow the butterflies are not able to develop certain eyespot color combinations (i.e. one spot more gold and the…

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SFI Complex Systems Summer School 2019

9 June – 5 July 2019   The SFI Complex Systems Summer School offers an intensive 4-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems. The school…

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Why do we need an EES?

…works. The MS itself replaced two other versions of the theory of evolution: the original ‘Darwinism’, i.e., the twin ideas that living beings are related by common descent and that…

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Complex Systems Summer School 2018

10 June – 6 July 2018   The Complex Systems Summer School offers an intensive 4-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems. The school is…

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Talking Evolution workshop report

…  Visit the workshop website to view all talk and poster abstracts, as well as pdfs of selected presentations.     Scroll through the workshop twitter feed at #TalkEvo for

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