5th Summer School in Evolutionary Developmental Biology

18-21 September 2017


Process Thinking for Evo-Devo


The overall aim of the course is to introduce process-based research approaches and conceptual frameworks to a broad range of experimentalists, theoreticians, and philosophers interested in the problem of (developmental) evolution. Relevant concepts from process philosophy and dynamical systems theory will be discussed through a number of foundational theoretical lectures. These will be complemented by specific examples of how process thinking can be and is already being used to get specific insights and new explanations for evolutionary and developmental dynamics. Morning lectures are followed by interactive discussions and reading clubs in small groups in the afternoons. Participants will also be able to present their own work to the teachers and the other students at a poster session on the first evening.


Location: Venice, Italy
Organizers: Alessandro Minelli, Gerd Müller & Giuseppe Fusco
School director: Johannes Jaeger

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