Vacancy: postdoctoral position in Evolutionary Developmental Biology (evo-devo) and Genomics

16th December 2016


Call for applications for a postdoctoral research position in the area of Evolutionary Developmental Biology (evo-devo) and Genomics in the lab of Kevin Parsons at the University of Glasgow.


A theory-driven postdoc is sought to focus on questions related to evolutionary developmental biology and genomics including the genetic and epigenetic basis of phenotypic change. The team is an interdisciplinary group with generous funding support from a recently awarded NERC Highlight topics grant to Dr Kevin J. Parsons (PI), Prof. Neil B. Metcalfe, Dr Shaun S. Killen and Dr Jan Lindström.


The project provides an opportunity to take evo-devo and genomics in a new direction by investigating the impact that long-term increases in temperature can have on evolution. The postdoc will lead and apply large-scale population genomic and QTL mapping approaches to sticklebacks that have evolved within geothermally-heated and ambient temperature locations in Iceland.  A substantial portion of this research will also involve the use of genomics to understand patterns of methylation in response to temperature in both wild and lab-reared populations. While these genomic approaches will be used, the lab is phenotype-first orientated and works at the intersections of ecology, evolution, physiology, and development. The postdoc will therefore also have the opportunity to take part in the design of experiments used to follow-up genomic findings and assess developmental changes in a range of phenotypes.


For further information and applications, refer to the university recruitment portal (reference #015558) or contact Dr Kevin Parsons.

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