ESEB Congress

20-25 August 2017


The biennial European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) congress is one of the largest conferences in evolutionary biology. The scientific program, beginning on Monday 21 August, will consist of 8 parallel sessions running throughout the 5 days (except Wednesday afternoon). There will be some 300 oral presentations fitting within 35 symposia selected by the Scientific Committee. There will also be poster sessions associated with the different symposia, five plenary talks, and two lectures by the 2016 and 2017 winners of the John Maynard Smith Prize.


Confirmed plenary speakers are Renée Duckworth, Nicole Dubilier, Chris Jiggins, Svante Pääbo, Linda Partridge, Stephen Stearns, Andreas Wagner (tentative) and Nina Wedell (Presidential Address). There will be exhibition space throughout the congress for 1000 posters.


Due to space constraints, attendance is limited to 1500 participants, on a first-come, first-served basis. Both ESEB and SSE offer travel stipends to support participation of student members from economically disadvantaged countries.


Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
More information & registration: conference website
Organizers: Leo Beukeboom, Simon Verhulst, Bregje Wertheim, Martine Maan, Emma Plender-Hartman, Paul Steerenberg, Mariska Pater & Franjo Weissing

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