Call for papers: Biosemiotics special issue ‘Semiotic aspects of the extended synthesis’

4th January 2017


The Springer journal Biosemiotics is preparing a special issue on ‘Semiotic aspects of the extended synthesis’, guest-edited by Andrew Winters. This special issue aims to understand the extent to which biosemiotics is commensurate with burgeoning developments in contemporary biology by exploring how core features of biosemiotics are either consistent or at odds with those accommodated by the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.


The special issue welcomes papers that analyze specific semiotic processes within the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis, assess the general tenability of understanding biosemiotics in terms of the EES, or explore the relationship between biosemiotics and the EES. Papers in the form of theoretical works, empirical findings, or metatheoretical considerations are welcome.


Paper proposals with title and abstract are due 31 January 2017.


For further information, see the call for papers, or contact the editor Dr Andrew Winters.

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