Dr Adam Wyness
Postdoctoral researcher
Email: Adam Wyness
Phone: +44 1334 463469
Adam Wyness received his BSc in Biology from Bangor University in 2012. His dissertation project was a continuation of an SfAM funded ‘Students into Work’ project that he worked on in 2011, focusing on the role of estuarine suspended particulate material in the persistence of Escherichia coli in estuaries. This led him to a PhD on ‘The influence of sediment characteristics on the abundance and distribution of E. coli in estuarine sediments’ that was a joint studentship between the Human and Animal Pathogens in the Environment group at The James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen, and the Sediment Ecology Research Group (SERG) at the University of St Andrews.
Further information
Sediment Ecology Research Group website
University of St Andrews staff profile