A/Prof Charlie Cornwallis
Principal Investigator
Email: Charlie Cornwallis
Phone: +46 46 222 30 26
Charlie Cornwallis is an Assistant Professor in Biology at Lund University, Sweden. His undergraduate studies were taken in Zoology at the University of Sheffield, UK. In 2005 he obtained a PhD on mechanisms of sexual selection, also from the University of Sheffield. During this time Cornwallis also ran field expeditions and worked on projects encompassing a variety of topics from sea bird ecology in Northern Canada to conservation of giant otters in Bolivia. Following his PhD, Cornwallis moved to Oxford University to take up a Research Fellowship in Ornithology and subsequently a Browne Research Fellowship at The Queen’s College, Oxford. During this time he started working on social evolution. In 2011, Cornwallis moved to Lund to take up an Assistant Professorship. Research topics of the Cornwallis group include: promiscuity and the evolution of cooperation; sexual cooperation and harm; and reproductive isolation and genetic mate compatibility. The group uses a combination of comparative, experimental and genetic analyses.