Prof Graeme Ruxton
Principal Investigator
Email: Graeme Ruxton
Phone: +44 1334 464825
Graeme Ruxton is Professor of Biology at the University of St Andrews. His interests are broad, but many of them involve the behavioural ecology of interactions between different species. His research group is particularly interested in the types of interactions that are mediated by the senses. Thus, they are interested in how organisms of one species can find and identify target individuals of another species. Specific examples of this can be found in considering how predators search for their prey, and how prey are selected to make this task more difficult for their predators (through processes of camouflage, crypsis, masquerade and mimicry). As can be seen from this example co-evolution is a thread running throughout much of the research. They are not only interested in exploitative relationships like predation, but also in mutualisms (like seed dispersal by frugivorous animals). Another theme that runs through their work is the evolution and stability of signalling systems between individuals of different species, and also the selective forces acting on cues that one species can use to make inferences about individuals of another. The Ruxton group is broad based in terms of the taxonomic groups that interest them, and they are just as interested in plants as animals: as there are complex sensory interactions between plants and herbivores, seed dispersers and pollinators. They are also broadly based in terms of ecosystems, and have worked on marine, freshwater and terrestrial species. Finally, they are broad based in terms of approaches. Although their primary means of investigation is computer and mathematical modelling, they are likely to complement this with field observations, designed experiments and comparative approaches.