A/Prof John Gibbons
Principal Investigator
Email: John Gibbons
Phone: +1 413 545 1025
John Gibbons is an evolutionary genomicist and Assistant Professor of Food Science at The University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA (formally Associate Professor of Biology at Clark University, USA). Gibbons received his BS from Keene State College in 2005 and his PhD from Vanderbilt University in 2012, where he awarded the Graduate Student Research Excellence Award in Biological Sciences. Gibbons' research focuses on both the beneficial and detrimental ends of the food-microbe spectrum. His group studies the impact of domestication on the genomes and phenotypes of beneficial microbes used in the production of traditional fermented foods such as sake, meju, and pulque. A second area of research centers on genetic basis of virulence in Aspergillus fumigatus, a potentially lethal pathogen of animals, including humans and livestock. To address these topics, the lab incorporates cutting-edge DNA sequencing methodologies, computational genomics, population genetics, molecular biology, and laboratory experiments.
Further information
Gibbons group website
The University of Massachusetts Amherst staff profile