Kostas Kouvaris
PhD student
Email: Kostas Kouvaris
Phone: +44 23 8059 5000
Kostas Kouvaris is a PhD student supervised by Richard Watson and Markus Brede at the University of Southampton, studying the evolution of evolvability, gene regulation networks and the evolution of developmental plasticity. Kostas achieved a BSc in computational mathematics and an MSc in artificial intelligence. His research interests are in complex adaptive systems; in particular, the interplay between structure and function. Kostas' current research focuses on how and when fully-distributed networks of evolving entities, characterized by adaptive intra-connections and inter-connections, can give rise to emergent system-level intelligence (e.g. associative memory/recall, constraint optimisation and associative generalization) in a decentralized manner. The aim is to utilise understanding of the underlying algorithmic principles of such systems and develop practical methods to improve the adaptive capabilities and the global efficiency of artificial complex systems, by simple distributed mechanisms of self-organization.
Further information
Computational Modelling Group student profile
University of Southampton School of Electronics and Computer Science