Prof Nick Hopwood
Phone: +44 1223 334500
Email: Nick Hopwood
Nick Hopwood is Professor of History of Science and Medicine at the University of Cambridge. Hopwood is interested generally in visual communication and specifically in embryology, reproduction, anatomy and evolution. Hopwood came to history of science and medicine after postdoctoral work in developmental biology. Having lectured in Cambridge History and Philosophy of Science and at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, Hopwood became a teaching officer at Cambridge in 1998 and won a Pilkington teaching prize in 2006. Hopwood is the co-director of the Ischia Summer School on the History of the Life Sciences and is the history section editor of Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online, an associate editor of the Journal of the History of Biology and a council member of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology.