Recommended reading

Laland KN, Uller T, Feldman MW, Sterelny K, Müller GB, et al. 2015. Proc. R. Soc. B. 282(1813):20151019

Does evolutionary theory need a rethink? Nature News. 2014;514(7521):161.

Do we need an extended evolutionary synthesis? Evolution. 2007;61(12):2743–49
Developmental bias

Special issue in Evolution & Development. January-March 2020 Edited by: Armin P. Moczek

Developmental Bias and Evolution: A Regulatory Network Perspective. Genetics. 2018;209(4):949-966.
Developmental plasticity

The role of developmental plasticity in evolutionary innovation. Proc R Soc B. 2011;278(1719):2705–13.

Phenotypic plasticity’s impacts on diversification and speciation. Trends Ecol Evol. 2010;25(8):459–67.

Phenotypic plasticity facilitates recurrent rapid adaptation to introduced predators. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2010;107(9):4260–3.

Evolutionary Significance of Phenotypic Accommodation in Novel Environments: An Empirical Test of the Baldwin Effect. Phil Trans R Soc B. 2009;364(March):1125–41.

Toward a population genetic framework of developmental evolution: The costs, limits, and consequences of phenotypic plasticity. BioEssays. 2010;32(1):71–81.
Inclusive inheritance

Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: Myths and mechanisms. Cell. 2014;157(1):95–109.

A Symbiotic View of Life: We Have Never Been Individuals. Q Rev Biol. 2012;87(4):325–41.

Extended heredity: A new understanding of inheritance and evolution. Princeton University Press; 2018.

Cultural Transmission and Evolution: A Quantitative Approach. Princeton University Press; 1981.

A unified approach to the evolutionary consequences of genetic and non-genetic inheritance. Am Nat. 2011;178(2):E18-36.
Niche construction

An introduction to niche construction theory. Evol Ecol. 2016;30(2):191–202.

Niche construction initiates the evolution of mutualistic interactions. Ecol Lett. 2014;17(10):1257–64.

Why ontogeny matters during adaptation: Developmental niche construction and pleiotropy across the life cycle in Arabidopsis Thaliana. Evolution. 2014;68(1):32–47.

The niche construction perspective: A critical appraisal. Evolution (NY). 2014 May;68(5):1231–43.

Developmental niche construction. Dev Sci. 2013 Mar;16(2):296–313.

Niche Construction Theory: A Practical Guide for Ecologists. Q Rev Biol. 2013 Mar;88(1):3–28.

Macroevolution of ecosystem engineering, niche construction and diversity. Trends Ecol Evol. 2008 Jun;23(6):304–10.
Constructive development

The theory of facilitated variation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007;104 Suppl:8582–9.

The ontogeny of information: Developmental systems and evolution. Duke University Press; 2000.

Cycles of contingency: developmental systems and evolution. MIT Press; 2001.

Origin of the fittest: link between emergent variation and evolutionary change as a critical question in evolutionary biology. Proc R Soc B. 2011;278(1714):1921-1929.

Plasticity, robustness, development and evolution. Cambridge University Press; 2011.

Epigenetics: Linking genotype and phenotype in development and evolution. University of California Press; 2011.
Reciprocal causation

The morphogenesis of evolutionary developmental biology. Int J Dev Biol. 2003;47(7–8):467–77.

Developmental systems and evolutionary explanation. J Philos. 1994;91(6):277–304.

Cause and effect in biology revisited: Is Mayr’s proximate-ultimate dichotomy still useful? Science. 2011;334(6062):1512–6.