Publications from the project

…issue) [download PDF] Wilkins AS. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12319   Plasticity‐led evolution: A survey of developmental mechanisms and empirical tests. (special issue) [download PDF] Levis N and Pfennig D….

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The Hot Spring Hypothesis for the Origin of Life and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…write, run, test and rewrite itself all without a programmer? From the perspective of computer science, a living cell resembles an elaborate chemical computer, but can a chemical computer emerge…

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Pleiotropy allows the evolutionary maintenance of positive niche construction in the face of free-riders

…constructing organisms, where organisms modify the environment to differing degrees, utilize the constructed environment/resource in different ways, and compete with each other for access to the constructed resource. Importantly, niche…

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The philosophy of social evolution

…Chapman, p. 451. [4] Reynolds, op. cit. [5] L. Buss, 1987, The Evolution of Individuality, Princeton University Press. [6] W. D. Hamilton, 1964, ‘The Genetical Evolution of Social Behaviour’ I…

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Interface Focus Special Issue: New Trends in Evolutionary Biology

for an extended synthesis [post-print PDF] Douglas J Futuyma. Interface Focus 2017 7 20160145; DOI: 10.1098/rsfs.2016.0145.   Developmental plasticity: re-conceiving the genotype [post-print PDF] Sonia E Sultan. Interface Focus 2017…

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Completing Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony: A TVOL conversation with Kevin Laland

…that humans are ”smartest”, chimps and bonobos are “next smartest” and so on. You were also among the first to build computer simulation models of cultural evolution. What were the…

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The Role of Mobile Genetic Elements in Evolution and Development

…Blog:   Read the original paper here: Feiner N. 2019. Evolutionary lability in Hox cluster structure and gene expression in Anolis lizards . Evolution Letters. Early View. [download pdf]…

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Extended Heredity: An interview with Russell Bonduriansky and Troy Day

…in what senses past natural selection prepares developmental systems for novel challenges. Kirschner and Gerhart’s emphasis on ontogenetic exploratory and selective processes seems to me particularly relevant here.   Katrina…

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Early Career Spotlight with Illiam Jackson

…liked under the EES project.   Check out his new paper:   Developmental bias in the fossil record. [download PDF] Illiam S. C. Jackson. 2019. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12312…

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The Evolution of Robustness

In Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, the key phrase is “survival of the fittest”: those organisms that are best fit to carry out the tasks of living in…

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