Adaptation through niche construction and microbiome function in Onthophagus beetles

…10.1111/een.12703   Diplogastrellus nematodes are sexually transmitted mutualists that alter the bacterial and fungal communities of their beetle host. [download PDF] Ledón-Rettig CC, Moczek AP, Ragsdale EJ. 2018. PNAS DOI:…

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What animal social learning can teach evolutionary biology

…by ourselves, Marcus Feldman and Francisco Ayala, was a striking testament to how far the study of animal culture has come in recent decades and the truly remarkable set of…

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The variational ratchet: Intuiting the variational approach to niche construction

…Ross Ashby, for whom modeling and inference were necessary attributes of living, self-organized systems enduring over time.   Put another way, organisms must increase the complementarity of the probability distribution…

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The role of developmental plasticity in innovation and diversification of Onthophagus beetles

…programming mitigate the transgenerational effects of temperature in dung beetles. [download PDF] Macagno ALM, Zattara EE, Ezeakudo O, Moczek AP, Ledón‐Rettig CC. 2018. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05215.   The role of…

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Who’s afraid of the Extended Synthesis?

…from the John Templeton Foundation, which Welch claims “is committed to using science to reveal underlying purpose, and rejecting what Nagel [a philosopher, not a supporter of the EES] calls…

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Domestication as a model system for the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…Wund’s4 call for a gold standard ‘single system’ combining multiple interacting constructive processes and inheritance systems that can be used to comprehend complex evolutionary processes. Moreover, the increasingly robust archaeological,…

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A TVOL interview with Tobias Uller: Orchestrating the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis project

…in the direction of selection, which is proof of heritability. In complex systems terms, we were selecting ecosystems based on two properties: 1) the phenotypic properties that were being selected,…

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The “Does Evolutionary Theory Need a Rethink?” Debate: A Backstory

…Society, 127(4): 707–721   Whitehead H et al. 2019. The reach of gene-culture coevolution in animals. Nature Comms 10: 2405   New book coming soon (October 1st):  …

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What functional ectopic compound eyes can teach us about the role of context in development and evolution

…here: Zattara EE, Macagno ALM, Busey HA, Moczek AP. 2017. Development of functional ectopic compound eyes in scarabaeid beetles by knockdown of orthodenticle. Proc Natl Acad Sci DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1714895114. [pdf]…

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Understanding the role of plasticity in evolution

…organisms better or worse at evolving new solutions, investigate which mechanisms underlie adaptive change, and predict what signatures of plasticity-led adaptation could look like in real organisms.   It is…

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