Early Career Spotlight with Thomas Oudman

…range expansion in spring‐staging barnacle geese is a response to climate change and population growth, mediated by individual experience. [download PDF] Tombre IM, Oudman T, Shimmings P, Griffin L, Prop…

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Niche Construction: a new resource website

  We have just launched a new resource website on niche construction and niche construction theory: nicheconstruction.com   This website was developed in the hope that it will prove a…

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…California, USA   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PNA9fd8O3E     Gene-culture coevolution in whales and dolphins Hal Whitehead, Dalhousie University   Arthur M Sackler Colloquia’s meeting, ‘The Extension of Biology Through Culture’ 15-17 November…

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Why is the EES contentious?

…findings” [p2]   “Evolutionary biology has never been more vibrant, and it would be a distortion to characterize it as in a (Kuhnian) state of ‘crisis’ ” [p10]   “the…

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Developmental bias: An interview with Wallace Arthur

…away from any of these terms and actually become more process orientated. Maybe when we’ve done enough studies of what actually happens during development we’ll come up with better terminology….

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Phenotypic plasticity, developmental bias and evolutionary diversification in butterflies

…Publications Developmental plasticity for male secondary sexual traits in a group of polyphenic tropical butterflies. [download PDF] Balmer AJ, Brakefield PM, Brattström O, van Bergen E. 2018. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05291….

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Organism-Constructed Environments are Different

…living organisms are far-from-equilibrium systems relative to their surrounds, and that to preserve their out-of-equilibrium status and create order organisms must actively do work (i.e. they must engage in niche…

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Deconstructing niche construction: A TVOL conversation between Gordon Burghardt and Kevin Laland

…to prominence through the writings of Harvard evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin. Lewontin pointed out that organisms are not just passive victims of selection, but actively construct and modify environmental conditions…

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From plasticity to diversity: accommodation of ancestral plasticity results in divergent developmental rates in spadefoot toads

…the paper here: Kulkarni SS, Denver RJ, Gomez-Mestre I, Buchholz DR. 2017. Genetic accommodation via modified endocrine signalling explains phenotypic divergence among spadefoot toad species. Nature Communications 8:993. [download pdf]…

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Physical mechanisms of development and evolution: An interview with Stuart Newman

…mechanisms of development start?   Stuart: With a background in physics of materials, I started thinking about developmental problems in terms of physics. One of the first problems I addressed…

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