The evolution of primate intelligence

Kevin Laland, University of St Andrews   Arthur M Sackler Colloquium: The Extension of Biology Through Culture 15-17 November 2016, Irvine, California, USA…

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How animal cultures extend the scope of biology

Andrew Whiten, University of St Andrews   Arthur M Sackler Colloquium: The Extension of Biology Through Culture 15-17 November 2016, Irvine, California, USA…

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Sticklebacks, selection shadows, and salinity shifts: phenotypic plasticity in novel environments

Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of one genotype to produce multiple phenotypes depending on external environmental conditions (see our slideshow for further information). It comes in many forms: from permanent…

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The generalized theory of evolution

…to explore recent attempts to move beyond mere qualitative theorizing in the domain of generalized evolutionary systems. By bringing together researchers with a common interest but with different backgrounds and…

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What’s hiding in Waddington’s epigenetic landscape? A case study in baby cichlids

…284: 20171018. [pdf]     1. Waddington CH. 1957. Allen & Unwin. 2. Noble D. 2015. J Exp Biol 218:816-818. 3. Waddington CH. 1959. Nature 183:1634-1638. 4. West-Eberhard MJ. 2003….

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An unconventional place for unconventional science

…The KLI is an institute for the advanced study of natural complex systems. It does not offer permanent positions, but operates on the basis of fellowships. However, since the institute…

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Behavioral and developmental plasticity enable dung beetles to cope with temperature stress within and across generations

…thermal stress less frequently, lessening selection for compensatory mechanisms during early development. At the same time, in Western Australia, where beetles experience higher competition due to crowding, females have been…

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The macroevolutionary consequences of island hopping

…biogeographic group.     Our new study, published in Nature Communications, took advantage of this setting to find out if morphological diversification proceeded in a different way following colonization of…

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Vacancy: Postdoc positions in the cultural evolution and ecology of institutions

comparative datasets or other kinds of datasets for testing human social or cultural evolution, and the ability to conduct a variety of statistical analyses.   Position descriptions and online applications:…

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Released today: Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony

  The latest book from Kevin Laland, Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony was released today. The book tells the story of three decades of research that led to a new understanding of…

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