Dr John Odling-Smee

John Odling-Smee is Emeritus Research Fellow, Mansfield College at the University of Oxford. Prior to retirement, he lectured in Biological Anthropology at Oxford….

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A/Prof Emilie Snell‐Rood

…costs of learning and information acquisition, and the role of developmental timing and nutrition as constraints on the evolution of learning. Some of her research considers the role of relaxed…

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Prof Stefan Williams

…to autonomous marine systems and the interpretation of the data collected by these systems. Williams has always had a strong focus on fielding real systems in support of scientific applications….

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The research project is funded by an $8m grant from the John Templeton Foundation, supplemented by a further $4m from host institutions. Contact details for host institutions can be found…

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For general enquiries or more about the research program please use the form below: Name Email Message…

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Helen Spence-Jones

…in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 2014, then worked for two years as a field research assistant for the Kalahari Meerkat Project before moving to St Andrews….

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Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark is a research assistant in the lab of Kevin Laland at the University of St Andrews. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology from Harvard…

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Dr Daniel Schwab

Daniel Schwab is a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Armin Moczek at Indiana University. His research focus is how the environment influences development and developmental evolution.

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Cause and Process in Evolution workshop

…aim of the workshop was to initiate close interaction and exchange between philosophers of science and biologists, both within the research program and outside it, to reflect on the nature…

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Dr Adam Wyness

…between the Human and Animal Pathogens in the Environment group at The James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen, and the Sediment Ecology Research Group (SERG) at the University of St Andrews….

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