Publications from the project

…issue) [download PDF] Wilkins AS. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12319   Plasticity‐led evolution: A survey of developmental mechanisms and empirical tests. (special issue) [download PDF] Levis N and Pfennig D….

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The Hot Spring Hypothesis for the Origin of Life and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

…write, run, test and rewrite itself all without a programmer? From the perspective of computer science, a living cell resembles an elaborate chemical computer, but can a chemical computer emerge…

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The philosophy of social evolution

…are biologically altruistic.   The search for common principles Are there common principles powerful enough to help explain biological altruism and prosocial behaviour wherever we find it in the natural…

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Pleiotropy allows the evolutionary maintenance of positive niche construction in the face of free-riders

For example, free-riding could come at the cost of reduced resource adaptation. Alternatively, the costly activity of niche construction could come with the additional benefit of greater adaptation to the…

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What functional ectopic compound eyes can teach us about the role of context in development and evolution

…model system for the study of complex organ formation are the compound eyes of arthropods. Functional compound eyes require a specific organization of individual optical units (called ommatidia), the correct…

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A TVOL interview with Tobias Uller: Orchestrating the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis project

…in the direction of selection, which is proof of heritability. In complex systems terms, we were selecting ecosystems based on two properties: 1) the phenotypic properties that were being selected,…

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Why is the EES contentious?

…  (i) The EES research program involves no research into religion. This research program is comprised solely of research into evolutionary biology, evolutionary ecology, developmental biology, theoretical biology, philosophy of…

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Interface Focus Special Issue: New Trends in Evolutionary Biology

…found below, along with final PDFs of open access articles. For final PDFs of paywalled articles (as changes may have been made since the post-print), please contact the authors directly….

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Physical mechanisms of development and evolution: An interview with Stuart Newman

…mechanisms of development start?   Stuart: With a background in physics of materials, I started thinking about developmental problems in terms of physics. One of the first problems I addressed…

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Completing Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony: A TVOL conversation with Kevin Laland

…that humans are ”smartest”, chimps and bonobos are “next smartest” and so on. You were also among the first to build computer simulation models of cultural evolution. What were the…

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