Bridging Cultural Gaps: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Cultural Evolution Theme Issue

  The latest issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B published today, is a theme issue, entitled “Bridging cultural gaps: Interdisciplinary studies in human cultural evolution“. The issue…

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Evolution, Evolvability and Change

…seeks to bring together ideas, approaches, concepts, and perspectives from natural biological systems and other physical systems, from engineered physical and virtual systems, and from human social systems. Researchers from…

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Laland KN, Odling-Smee FJ, Feldman MW

Evolutionary consequences of niche construction and their implications for ecology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Aug 31;96(18):10242–7.

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What’s hiding in Waddington’s epigenetic landscape? A case study in baby cichlids

…genome-wide comparison between genetic mutations and epimutations (changes in DNA methylation patterns) in five species of finches showed that epigenetic change was more common than genetic mutations and was associated…

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Behavioral and developmental plasticity enable dung beetles to cope with temperature stress within and across generations

…thermal stress less frequently, lessening selection for compensatory mechanisms during early development. At the same time, in Western Australia, where beetles experience higher competition due to crowding, females have been…

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Prof Sir Patrick Bateson

Prof Sir Patrick Bateson sadly passed away on 1 August 2017. An obituary for Prof Bateson was published in Nature. [download PDF]…

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Developmental bias and the origin of adaptive variation

…evolution: A regulatory network perspective. [download PDF] Uller T, Moczek AP, Watson RA, Brakefield PM, Laland KN. 2018. Genetics DOI: 10.1534/genetics.118.300995.   Blog posts Developmental bias and evolution Uller T….

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The macroevolutionary consequences of island hopping

…empty niches on islands.   To answer these questions, Nathalie and Illiam travelled to the Nanoscale Research Facility at the University of Florida to collect CT-scans of more than 700…

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Human influences on evolution: Theme issue

Niche construction refers to a process by which organisms modify their environments through their evolved traits, which in turn can feed back on the organisms themselves by modifying the selection…

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SFI Complex Systems Summer School 2019

9 June – 5 July 2019   The SFI Complex Systems Summer School offers an intensive 4-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems. The school…

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