Behaviour 2017

…Frans de Waal and invited plenary talks from distinguished researchers including Sue Healy, Hanna Kokko, Sylvie Rétaux, Gene Robinson, Raghavendra Gadagkar and David Anderson, covering topics such as the comparative…

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How nature solves problems through computation

by Joshua Sokol   Quanta Magazine, 6 July 2017   Reproduced as ‘The countless computers embedded in nature’ in The Atlantic, 11 July 2017…

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Dr Heikki Helanterä

…and brood communicate their presence to each other, and how kin competition and chemical signaling in nests affects reproductive allocation decisions, gene expression and competitive interactions such as cannibalism again…

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How the EES differs from the Modern Synthesis

…to view research projects designed to test it.     Traditional predictions EES predictions genetic change causes, and logically precedes, phenotypic change, in adaptive evolutionphenotypic accommodation can precede, rather than…

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The Evolution of Knowledge &HPS7: Integrated History and Philosophy of Science

…knowledge” aims at refocusing the history and philosophy of science on long-term and global aspects.   Location: Hannover, Germany Abstract deadline: 15 December 2017 More information and registration: conference website

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1st Münster Evolution Meeting

…(from molecules to societies). The meeting aims to bring evolutionary biologists working in German-speaking countries together in a smaller setting, to allow for intensive networking and discussion. The two and…

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Talking Evolution

…UK) & Sonia Sultan (Wesleyan University, USA). See the workshop flyer.   Location: Plön, Germany Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2018 Registration: registration website Organizers: Noémie Erin, Alice Feurtey, Dominik…

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BES Macro 2018

10-11 July 2018   BES Macro 2018 is the annual meeting of the British Ecological Society Macroecology (and macroevolution) Special Interest Group. Each year the meeting aims to highlight all…

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Evolang 2018

…modeling, paleontology, physiology, primatology, and psychology. Typically, about 300 delegates attend, with representatives from all these disciplines.   Location: Torun, Poland Abstract deadline: 15 September 2017 More information: conference website

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Evolution in the 21st Century

…McVean (University of Oxford), Hanna Kokko (University of Zurich), Neil Shubin (University of Chicago), and Peter and Rosemary Grant (Princeton University).   Location: Bath, United Kingdom More information: conference website

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