Complex Systems Summer School 2017

…systems research. These include nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation, scaling theory, information theory and computation theory, adaptation and evolution, network structure and dynamics, adaptive computation techniques, computer modeling tools and…

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Developmental niche construction in dung beetles

…sexual dimorphism. For example, suppressing niche-constructing activities completely eliminated sexual dimorphism in tibia size in two of our three species, and significantly reduced it in the third. Few other studies…

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La plasticità comportamentale e di sviluppo consentono agli scarabei stercorari di far fronte allo stress termico nel corso di generazioni

…O. taurus.     Analizzando i complessi cambiamenti climatici in atto sul nostro pianeta, la comunità scientifica si trova concorde nell’affermare che le temperature medie globali stanno aumentando rapidamente. I…

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Summary of our research

…      Research projects   The program comprises 22 research projects divided into 4 interconnected themes. Experimental and theoretical studies test EES claims by comparing and evaluating predictions from…

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The project

  Summary of our research Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test is a novel research program comprising 22 research projects and a wide range of scientific activities that…

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Bridging cultural gaps: Promoting interdisciplinary studies in human cultural evolution

…us uniquely human, but the origins, the mechanisms, and the evolutionary impact of these capacities remain unknown.   Evolutionary biology is at an exciting juncture. Much important research has focused…

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Research project 10: Host adaptation via change in its microbiome

…a system that flexibly self-assembles through reciprocal interactions between the organisms that participate in it, at multiple time scales6-8. To understand the evolutionary forces acting on these organisms we must…

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ASAB Winter Meeting 2017

7-8 December 2017   Sexual Selection: Do We Still Need To Test The Alternatives?   The 30 years since the publication of Bradbury and Andersson’s landmark “Sexual selection: testing the…

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United Fronts: Unity, Organisation and Syntheses in the Life Sciences

…perspectives.   Spaces for the workshop are limited. If you are interested in attending, please contact Andrew Buskell before 29 January 2018.   Location: Cambridge, UK More information: download PDF

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Niche construction and evolutionary diversity in experimental marine microbial communities

Led by David Paterson, Matthew Holden & Per Lundberg     This project investigates the impact of niche construction using miniature synthetic ecosystems, subjected to experimental manipulation of various forms…

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