Ancestral plasticity paves the way for evolutionary novelty in spadefoot toads

…our study comes in.   We tested if a plasticity-first scenario contributed to the evolution of a novel carnivore ecomorph found among the tadpoles of North American spadefoot toads. Specifically,…

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Conditional gene expression, developmental plasticity, and the diversification of horned beetles

…expressed genes) compared with randomly selected genes. Indeed, this was the case with very high statistical significance in all three comparisons (false discovery rate (FDR) of P < 10-10).  …

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Could Planet of the Apes actually happen?

…    A romance exists around the notion that animals, such as chimpanzees or dolphins, covertly harbor complex communication systems unfathomed by humans. We rather like the idea that ‘arrogant’…

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Rapid evolution and phenotypic plasticity: insights from horned beetles

All organisms face the challenge of having to cope with variable environments. Diverse factors, from food and water availability to temperature, predation pressures, or conspecific densities, may impact an organism’s

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‘Lá vou eu outra vez’ – As esperanças de Waddington finalmente serão cumpridas? – Parte III

…de compreender os profundos mistérios dos processos vivos. Durante seus trabalhos finais nos anos 1970, Waddington, por exemplo, deixou de colaborar com biólogos para trabalhar com matemáticos, como Rene Thom…

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La plasticidad de comportamiento y desarrollo de los escarabajos estercoleros les permite sobrellevar el estrés térmico a través de las generaciones

…efecto potencial en la aptitud de los fenotipos de generaciones subsiguientes, y su contribución a la divergencia poblacional. En consecuencia, no comprendemos por completo si las respuestas plásticas producidas en…

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Call for papers: Palgrave Communications special issue ‘Cultural Evolution’

…transmitted and change over time, giving rise to diverse forms of social organization, belief systems, languages, technologies and artistic traditions. This research article collection will showcase cutting-edge research into cultural…

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Extended evolutionary synthesis needs to include the social sciences

…own right, let us also recognize that the tools are shovel-ready for extending this synthesis to include the full complexities of social systems at community, societal, and even planetary scales….

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Developmental bias driving self-domestication processes and macroevolution? The case of red foxes living in urban and rural habitats

…explain these differences, and 3) could mechanisms for how variation arises (in complement to selection) be part of how divergence between urban and rural habitats occurs?   Although in many…

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‘Lá vou eu outra vez’ – As esperanças de Waddington finalmente serão cumpridas? Parte I

…que seus professores de embriologia operavam como artesãos ou artistas preocupados com representações esteticamente agradáveis de embriões devidamente montados e corados, e ainda estavam travando batalhas antigas sobre descendência comum….

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