Can culture reshape the evolution of leaning and how?

Arnon Lotem, Tel Aviv University   Arthur M Sackler Colloquium: The Extension of Biology Through Culture 15-17 November 2016, Irvine, California, USA…

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The evolution of primate intelligence

Kevin Laland, University of St Andrews   Arthur M Sackler Colloquium: The Extension of Biology Through Culture 15-17 November 2016, Irvine, California, USA…

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How animal cultures extend the scope of biology

Andrew Whiten, University of St Andrews   Arthur M Sackler Colloquium: The Extension of Biology Through Culture 15-17 November 2016, Irvine, California, USA…

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Plastizität im Verhalten und der Entwicklung ermöglicht es Mistkäfern mit stressvollen Temperaturen umzugehen, sowohl innerhalb einer Generation als auch darüber hinaus

…of temperature in dung beetles. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05215. [pdf]     Anna LM Macagno Senior research associate, Department of Biology, Indiana University   Eduardo E Zattara Deputy investigator, INIBIOMA, CONICET,…

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Vacancy: Postdoc positions in the cultural evolution and ecology of institutions

comparative datasets or other kinds of datasets for testing human social or cultural evolution, and the ability to conduct a variety of statistical analyses.   Position descriptions and online applications:…

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How do living beings fulfil the conditions for evolution by natural selection?

…a bacterium is extraordinarily complex. Evolutionary biologists therefore need manageable representations of how organisms fulfil the Lewontin conditions. The familiar representation – the one we find in textbooks – is…

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The inheritance and heritability of niche constructed traits

Laurel Fogarty, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany   Keynote talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019…

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Causal patterns and how our theories change

Angela Potochnik, University of Cincinnati, USA   Keynote talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019…

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Structuring knowledge in evolutionary biology

Alan C Love, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, USA   Keynote talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019…

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On the origins of novelty and diversity in development and evolution: case studies on horned beetles

Armin Moczek, Indiana University, USA   Keynote talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019…

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