Mutational and pre-mutational shaping of adaptation

Joanna Masel, The University of Arizona, USA   Keynote talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019…

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Dynamic stability and robustness of ecological systems: a missing link to evolutionary mechanisms?

Renee Duckworth, The University of Arizona, USA   Plenary talk at Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 April 2019…

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Vacancy: Research technician position

  Looking for a research technician position? Why not join the Sediment Ecology Research Group (aka ‘The Mud Lab’) at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, working with Prof David…

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The origins of organismal complexity

…multi-cellular states, is used to determine the contribution of developmental bias to multicellularity.   Blog posts Research project 7: The origins of organismal complexity Falkenberg KJ. 6 Feb 2017.  …

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Evolution and ontogeny of complex group adaptation

Led by Andy Gardner     Evolutionary transitions to higher-level organisation (e.g. transition from unicellular to multicellular organisms, or development of complex insect and human societies) requires complex group adaptations….

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Ecological development and adapting to change

…males, a cool nest mostly females, and a nest close to the temperature threshold, an evenly mixed brood.   In other organisms as well, all kinds of environmental factors –…

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Public engagment with evolutionary biology research

…  Becoming a ‘complex systems scientist’ to analyse how digital organisms evolve and cooperate Dr Jasmeen Kanwal, Research Fellow in the School of Biology at the University of St Andrews…

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Dr Heikki Helanterä

…and brood communicate their presence to each other, and how kin competition and chemical signaling in nests affects reproductive allocation decisions, gene expression and competitive interactions such as cannibalism again…

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Conference on Complex Systems 2018

23-28 September 2018   The Complex Systems Society presents their 2018 conference in Thessaloniki, Greece. There are 27 satellite meetings covering a large range of topics within the study of…

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Vacancy: postdoctoral position in Evolutionary Developmental Biology (evo-devo) and Genomics

  Call for applications for a postdoctoral research position in the area of Evolutionary Developmental Biology (evo-devo) and Genomics in the lab of Kevin Parsons at the University of Glasgow….

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