Prof William Cresko

…variation in the Order Gasterosteiformes, a lineage that comprises stickleback, pipefish and seahorses. His research group conducts molecular genetic and developmental studies on variation in bone and cartilage structures, in…

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Prof Denis Noble

…in 1960, Noble developed the first mathematical model of cardiac cells using his discovery. Noble has held the positions of Director of Computational Physiology, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics,…

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Dr Sally Street

…context of vertebrate evolution. She typically investigates such questions using phylogenetic comparative statistical methods, which model how characteristics of species or populations have evolved across large temporal and spatial scales….

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A/Prof Jonathan Birch

…biological and behavioural sciences. He joined the LSE in 2014. Before moving to London, he was a Junior Research Fellow at Christ’s College, Cambridge. He completed his PhD at the…

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Ecological development and adapting to change

…instance, Melanoplus grasshoppers that are fed fibrous, low-nutrient food develop larger, more muscular mouthparts and a larger gut compared with individuals given food that is easier to chew and more…

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Wagner GP, Altenberg L

Complex Adaptations and the Evolution of Evolvability. Evolution. 1996;50(3):967–76.

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Call for papers: Biosemiotics special issue ‘Semiotic aspects of the extended synthesis’

…which biosemiotics is commensurate with burgeoning developments in contemporary biology by exploring how core features of biosemiotics are either consistent or at odds with those accommodated by the Extended Evolutionary…

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Snell-Rood EC

Selective processes in development: Implications for the costs and benefits of phenotypic plasticity. Integr Comp Biol. 2012;52(1):31–42.

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Vacancy: postdoctoral position examining the role of developmental bias for evolution

…sources, such as museum collections, and mathematical and statistical modelling. The position will provide the opportunity to explore evolutionary developmental biology and develop skills in meta-analysis, phylogenetic comparative methods, and…

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Vacancy: PhD position in animal ecology and evolution of epigenetic inheritance

…fitness and ageing during adaptation to new environments (high or fluctuating temperature) in the powerful laboratory model system – the nematode Caenorhabditis remanei. They will use a combination of experimental…

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