Released today: Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony

…of human cognitive evolution. It is a compelling and accessible book that reveals how culture is not just the magnificent end product of an evolutionary process that produced a species…

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Workshop report: Cause and Process in Evolution

…Armin Moczek showed beautifully how evolution often proceeds by combinatorially reshuffling and recombining the same basic (molecular) building blocks and (chemical) pathways, even if these sometimes have a different underlying…

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Vacancy: Postdoc position in evolutionary genetic theory

…population genetics and the evolution of development in complex systems, with an emphasis on models of dual inheritance for investigating general features of indirect genetic effects and niche construction with…

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Cortijo S, Wardenaar R, Colomé-Tatché M, Gilly A, Etcheverry M, Labadie K, et al

Mapping the epigenetic basis of complex traits. Science. 2014;343(6175):1145–8.

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Laland KN, Odling-Smee J, Hoppitt W, Uller T

More on how and why: a response to commentaries. Biol Philos. 2013;28(5):793–810.

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5th Summer School in Evolutionary Developmental Biology

…will be complemented by specific examples of how process thinking can be and is already being used to get specific insights and new explanations for evolutionary and developmental dynamics. Morning…

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ISEMPH Annual Meeting

…Evolutionary Biology Meeting. ISEMPH brings together scientists, teachers, clinicians, and students in the evolution and medicine community to share ideas and create new connections that will advance the field. This…

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Behaviour 2017

…Frans de Waal and invited plenary talks from distinguished researchers including Sue Healy, Hanna Kokko, Sylvie Rétaux, Gene Robinson, Raghavendra Gadagkar and David Anderson, covering topics such as the comparative…

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The generalized theory of evolution

…to explore recent attempts to move beyond mere qualitative theorizing in the domain of generalized evolutionary systems. By bringing together researchers with a common interest but with different backgrounds and…

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PNAS Special Edition: Extension of Biology Through Culture

…  Introductory comments from Andy Whiten, co-organizer of the conference: Biology is the science of life. How our understanding of the nature and evolution of living systems is being enriched…

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