Timeline of evolutionary theory

…theory of evolution with organisms gaining differences through adapting to their environments. He suggests that organisms which gain beneficial new features quicker have advantages over others and are more variable….

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Dr Maria Dornelas

…disciplines of community ecology, macroecology and biogeography. She tends to work on intermediate spatio-temporal scales (that is communities and networks of communities over time-scales of years to tens of years)….

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Does Inheritance Need a Rethink? Conceptual Tools to Extend Inheritance beyond the DNA

Inheritance is an essential component of evolutionary processes. Without inheritance, evolution by natural selection cannot lead to the accumulation of complex, adaptive traits. But what can be inherited, and how?…

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Prof Graeme Ruxton

…based in terms of approaches. Although their primary means of investigation is computer and mathematical modelling, they are likely to complement this with field observations, designed experiments and comparative approaches….

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EES predictions Click on a prediction to see which research projects are designed to test it….

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The evolution of inclusive heredity through the genomic interactions of symbionts

Led by Mike Wade & Armin Moczek     This project aims to understand how and why host-microbiota symbiotic interactions evolved, with particular focus on mutual niche construction. Predictions from…

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Dr Andy Gardner

…also tailors general theory to the biology of particular species to facilitate empirical testing. He works on a wide range of biological systems, including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, crustaceans, insects, arachnids,…

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Prof Susan Healy

…cognition. Her research investigates cognitive abilities in non-model organisms such as hummingbirds, zebra finches and bowerbirds She is especially interested in ‘animal cognition in the wild’ and tests cognitive abilities…

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Badyaev AV

Evolutionary Significance of Phenotypic Accommodation in Novel Environments: An Empirical Test of the Baldwin Effect. Phil Trans R Soc B. 2009;364(March):1125–41.

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Badyaev AV

Origin of the fittest: link between emergent variation and evolutionary change as a critical question in evolutionary biology. Proc R Soc B. 2011;278(1714):1921-1929.

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