Linking micro- and macroevolution through studies of thermal plasticity in an old insect order

…of plasticity evolution correlate with rates of speciation?         Dragonflies and damselflies are an old insect order that is characterized by their complex lifecycle, where nymphs grow…

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The project

  Summary of our research Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test is a novel research program comprising 22 research projects and a wide range of scientific activities that…

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The role of developmental plasticity in innovation and diversification of Onthophagus beetles

…beetles to cope with temperature stress within and across generations Macagno ALM, Zattara EE, Moczek AP, Ledón-Rettig CC. 23 April 2018. Español: La plasticidad de comportamiento y desarrollo de los…

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Adaptation (process): the process whereby a complementary match between organism and environment arises through interactions between natural selection and internally and externally expressed constructive development.   Constructive development: the developing…

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Plasticity and adaptive radiation in Anolis lizards

…assessing the role of plasticity in divergence of limb length through comparison of (i) phenotypic plasticity in animals reared in different conditions and (ii) interspecies comparisons between phenotypically divergent species,…

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Ecosystem networks and system-level functions

…important for the stability and diversity of ecosystems. We are using connectionist learning theory to investigate the reciprocal interaction between the evolution of an ecological community and the non-living components…

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Prof Marcus Feldman

…applied mathematics and computer modeling to simulate and analyze the process of evolution. His specific areas of research include the evolution of complex genetic systems that can undergo both natural…

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Behaviour, Development and Evolution

complexity of development. I explore the frameworks that are often used to think about questions of development and behavior in both humans and animals and explain why the nature/nurture dichotomy…

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A philosopher’s perspective on the ‘Cause and Process in Evolution’ workshop

…presented a case of locally induced maternal effects in bluebird species that cause community formation and change. These impressive ecological studies showed that plasticity should not be understood as a…

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Understanding the role of plasticity in evolution

…The EES framework recognizes that development is always the result of interactions with the environment. Rather than being just a strategy for survival, plasticity becomes a necessary component to create…

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