Publications from the project

The following are publications arising from the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis integrative research program.





Philosophy of Science for Biologists
Kampourakis K & Uller T. (Eds.). 2020. Philosophy of Science for Biologists. Cambridge University Press.


Cognitive novelties, informational form, and structural-causal explanations
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Buskell A. Synthese DOI: 10.1007/s11229-020-02585-4


Plasticity and evolutionary convergence in the locomotor skeleton of Greater Antillean Anolis lizards
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Feiner N, Jackson IS, Munch KL, Radersma R, Uller T.  Elife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.57468


Special Issue: Developmental Bias in Evolution.
Edited by Armin P. Moczek Evolution & Development Volume 22, Issue 1-2


Synthesising arguments and the extended evolutionary synthesis.
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Buskell A. Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. C DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsc.2019.101244


Young birds switch but old birds lead: How barnacle geese adjust migratory habits to environmental change.
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Oudman T, Laland KN, Ruxton G, Tombre I, Shimmings P, and Proup J. Front. Ecol. Evol. DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsc.2019.101244




Plasticity leaves a phenotypic signature during local adaptation
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Radersma R, Noble DW, Uller T.  Evolution Letters DOI: 10.1002/evl3.185


Niche construction and conceptual change in evolutionary biology
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Uller T, Helanterä H. Br J Philos Sci axx050.


A balance of winners and losers in the Anthropocene.
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Dornelas M, Gotelli NJ, Shimadzu H, Moyes F, Magurran AE, McGill BJ.  Ecology Letters DOI: 10.1111/ele.13242


Reciprocal Causation and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis
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Buskell A. Biol Theory DOI: 10.1007/s13752-019-00325-7


The reach of gene–culture coevolution in animals
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Whitehead H, Laland KN, Rendell L, et al. Nat Commun DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10293-y


Evolutionary Causation. Biological and Philosophical Reflections
Uller T & Laland KN. (Eds). 2019. Evolutionary Causation. Biological and Philosophical Reflections. MIT Press.


The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: what is the debate about, and what might success for the extenders look like?
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Lewens, T Biol J Linn Soc DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/blz064


Niche construction affects the variability and strength of natural selection.
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Clark AD, Deffner D, Laland KN, Odling-Smee J and Endler J. The American Naturalist DOI: 10.1086/706196


A striking example of developmental bias in an evolutionary process: The “domestication syndrome”. (special issue)
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Wilkins AS. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12319


Plasticity‐led evolution: A survey of developmental mechanisms and empirical tests. (special issue)
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Levis N and Pfennig D. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12309


Does phenotypic plasticity initiate developmental bias? (special issue)
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Parsons KJ, McWhinnie K, Pilakouta N, Walker L. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12304


Developmental noise and ecological opportunity across space can release constraints on the evolution of plasticity. (special issue)
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Draghi J. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12305


Developmental structuring of phenotypic variation: A case study with a cellular automata model of ontogeny. (special issue)
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Hordijk W and Altenberg L. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12315


Developmental plasticity and evolutionary explanations. (special issue)
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Uller T, Feiner N, Radersma R, Jackson ISC, Rago A. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12314


Developmental bias in the fossil record. (special issue)
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Jackson ISC. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12312


Northward range expansion in spring‐staging barnacle geese is a response to climate change and population growth, mediated by individual experience.
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Tombre IM, Oudman T, Shimmings P,  Griffin L, Prop J. Glob Change Biol DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14793


Animal learning as a source of developmental bias. (special issue)
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Laland KN, Toyokawa W, Oudman T. Evolution & Development e12311.


Deconstructing collective building in social insects: implications for ecological adaptation and evolution.
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Invernizzi E, Ruxton GD. Insect Soc DOI: 10.1007/s00040-019-00719-7


Evolutionary lability in Hox cluster structure and gene expression in Anolis lizards.
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Feiner N. Evol Lett DOI: 10.1002/evl3.131


Historical and philosophical perspectives on the study of developmental bias. (special issue)
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Brigandt I. Evolution & Development DOI: 10.1111/ede.12302


Plastic responses to novel environments are biased towards phenotype dimensions with high additive genetic variation.
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Noble DWA, Radersma R, Uller T. PNAS 116(27):13452-13461


The complexity of understanding others as the evolutionary origin of empathy and emotional contagion.
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Mafessoni F, Lachmann M. Sci Rep 9:5794.


Mudflat ecosystem engineers and services.
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Passarelli C, Hubas C, Paterson DM. In Mudflat Ecology. Aquatic Ecology Series, vol 7. Beninger P (eds). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99194-8_10.


How adaptive plasticity evolves when selected against.
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Rago A, Kouvaris K, Uller T, Watson RA. PLoS Comput Biol DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006260.


The origins of novelty from within the confines of homology: the developmental evolution of the digging tibia of dung beetles.
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Linz DM, Hu Y, Moczek AP. 2019. Proc R Soc B DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.2427.


Replicated evolutionary inhibition of a complex ancestral behaviour in an adaptive radiation.
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Foster SA, O’Neil S, King RW, Baker JA. 2019. Biol Lett DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0647.


Looking for middle ground in cultural attraction theory.
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Buskell A. 2019. Evol Anthropol DOI: 10.1002/evan.21762.


On the reciprocally causal and constructive nature of developmental plasticity and robustness.
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Schwab DB, Casasa S, Moczek AP. 2019. Front Genet DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00735.


Social learning strategies regulate the wisdom and madness of interactive crowds.
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Toyokawa W, Whalen A, Laland KN. 2019. Nat Hum Behav DOI: 10.1038/s41562-018-0518-x.


Vertical and oblique cultural transmission fluctuating in time and in space.
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Ram Y, Liberman U, Feldman MW. 2019. Theor Popul Biol DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2018.11.001.





Causes of cultural disparity: Switches, tuners, and the cognitive science of religion
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Buskell A. Philosophical Psychology DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2018.1485888


Social Learning Strategies: Bridge-Building between Fields
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Kendal R, Boogert N, Rendell L, Laland KN, Webster M, Jones P 2018. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2018.04.003


Selective survival of embryos can explain DNA methylation signatures of adverse prenatal environments.
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Tobi EW, van den Heuvel J, Zwaan BJ, Lumey LH, Heijmans BT, Uller T. 2018. Cell Reports 25:2660-2667.e4.


Contrasting patterns of changes in abundance following a bleaching event between juvenile and adult scleractinian corals.
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Álvarez-Noriega M, Baird AH, Bridge TCL, Dornelas M, Fontoura L, Pizarro O, Precoda K, Torres-Pulliza D, Woods RM, Zawada K, Madin JS. 2018. Coral Reefs 37:527-532.


Effects of tropical storms on the demography of reef corals.
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Baird AH, Álvarez-Noriega M, Cumbo VR, Connolly SR, Dornelas M, Madin JS. 2018. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 606:29-38.


Cumulative effects of cyclones and bleaching on coral cover and species richness at Lizard Island.
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Madin JS, Baird AH, Bridge TCL, Connolly SR, Zawada KJA, Dornelas M. 2018. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 604:263-268.


Patterns of developmental plasticity in response to incubation temperature in reptiles.
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While GM, Noble DWA, Uller T, Warner DA, Riley JL, Du W, Schwanz LE. 2018. J Exp Zool 329:162–176.


Climatic factors and species range position predict sexually antagonistic selection across taxa.
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De Lisle SP, Goedert D, Reedy AM, Svensson EI. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2017.0415.


Form, function and physics: the ecology of biogenic stabilisation.
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Paterson DM, Hope JA, Kenworthy J, Biles CL, Gerbersdorf SU. 2018. J Soils Sediments 18:3044–3054.


Insulin signalling’s role in mediating tissue-specific nutritional plasticity and robustness in the horn-polyphenic beetle Onthophagus taurus.
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Casasa S, Moczek AP. 2018. Proc R Soc B DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1631.


Coordinated change at the colony level in fruit bat fur microbiomes through time.
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Kolodny O, Weinberg M, Reshef L, Harten L, Hefetz A, Gophna U, Feldman MW, Yovel Y. 2018. Nat Ecol Evol DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0731-z.


Transgenerational developmental effects of species-specific, maternally transmitted microbiota in Onthophagus dung beetles.
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Parker ES, Dury GJ, Moczek AP. 2018. Ecol Entomol DOI: 10.1111/een.12703.


Timing of maternal exposure to toxic cyanobacteria and offspring fitness in Daphnia magna: Implications for the evolution of anticipatory maternal effects.
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Radersma R, Hegg A, Noble DWA, Uller T. 2018. Ecol Evol DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4700.


Diplogastrellus nematodes are sexually transmitted mutualists that alter the bacterial and fungal communities of their beetle host.
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Ledón-Rettig CC, Moczek AP, Ragsdale EJ. 2018. PNAS DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1809606115.


Extending heredity to better understand evolution.
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Book review of Extended heredity: A new understanding of inheritance and evolution.
Uller T. 2018. Evolution DOI: 10.1111/evo.13576.


Developmental bias and evolution: A regulatory network perspective.
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Uller T, Moczek AP, Watson RA, Brakefield PM, Laland KN. 2018. Genetics DOI: 10.1534/genetics.118.300995.


Developmental plasticity for male secondary sexual traits in a group of polyphenic tropical butterflies.
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Balmer AJ, Brakefield PM, Brattström O, van Bergen E. 2018. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05291.


Introduction: The faces of human nature.
Lewens T. 2018. In Why we disagree about human nature. Editors: Hannon E, Lewens T. Oxford University Press.


Chapter 7: The social construction of human nature.
Laland KN & Brown GR. 2018. In Why we disagree about human nature. Editors: Hannon E, Lewens T. Oxford University Press.


Cultural evolution.
Lewens T. Editor: Zalta EN. 2018. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Summer 2018 Edition.


Beyond epigenetics.
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Book review of Extended heredity: A new understanding of inheritance and evolution.
Laland KN. 2018. Science 360(6396):1408.


Developmental plasticity in reptiles: Insights from temperature‐dependent gene expression in wall lizard embryos.
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Feiner N, Rago A, While GM, Uller T. 2018. J Exp Zool 1-11, DOI: 10.1002/jez.2175.


Counteracting estimation bias and social influence to improve the wisdom of crowds.
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Kao AB, Berdahl AM, Hartnett AT, Lutz MJ, Bak-Coleman JB, Ioannou CC, Giam X, Couzin ID. 2018. J R Soc Interface 15:20180130.


Adaptive maternal behavioral plasticity and developmental programming mitigate the transgenerational effects of temperature in dung beetles.
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Macagno ALM, Zattara EE, Ezeakudo O, Moczek AP, Ledón‐Rettig CC. 2018. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05215.


Collective movement in ecology: from emerging technologies to conservation and management.
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Westley PAH, Berdahl AM, Torney CJ, Biro D. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170004.


Inferring the rules of social interaction in migrating caribou.
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Torney CJ, Lamont M, Debell L, Angohiatok RJ, Leclerc LM, Berdahl AM. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170385.


Collective animal navigation and migratory culture: from theoretical models to empirical evidence.
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Berdahl AM, Kao AB, Flack A, Westley PAH, Codling EA, Couzin ID, Dell AI, Biro D. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170009.


Fitness trade-offs of group formation and movement by Thomson’s gazelles in the Serengeti ecosystem.
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Fryxell JM, Berdahl MA. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170013.


The role of ancestral phenotypic plasticity in evolutionary diversification: population density effects in horned beetles.
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Casasa S, Moczek AP. 2018. Anim Behav 137:53-61.


Edge fires drive the shape and stability of tropical forests.
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Hébert‐Dufresne L, Pellegrini AFA, Bhat U, Redner S, Pacala SW, Berdahl AM. 2018. Ecol Lett DOI 10.1111/ele.12942.


Ecocultural range-expansion scenarios for the replacement or assimilation of Neanderthals by modern humans.
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Yuichiro Wakano J, Gilpin W, Kadowaki S, Feldman MW, Aoki K. 2018. Theor Popul Biol 119:3-14.


Bridging cultural gaps: interdisciplinary studies in human cultural evolution.
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Kolodny O, Feldman MW, Creanza N. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170413.


Integrative studies of cultural evolution: crossing disciplinary boundaries to produce new insights.
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Kolodny O, Feldman MW, Creanza N. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170048.


The evolution of the capacity for language: the ecological context and adaptive value of a process of cognitive hijacking.
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Kolodny O, Edelman S. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170052.


Missing compared to what? Revisiting heritability, genes and culture.
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Feldman MW, Ramachandran S. 2018. Phil Trans R Soc B 373:20170064.


Evolution of vertical and oblique transmission under fluctuating selection.
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Ram Y, Liberman U, Feldman MW. 2018. PNAS DOI 10.1073/pnas.1719171115.


Conflicts of interest improve collective computation of adaptive social structures
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Brush ER, Krakauer DC, Flack JC. 2018. Sci Adv 4(1):e1603311.


Adaptation of a tropical butterfly to a temperate climate
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Nokelainen O, van Bergen E, Ripley BS, Brakefield PM. 2018. Biol J Linnean Soc 123(2):279–289.





Evidence of developmental niche construction in dung beetles: effects on growth, scaling and reproductive success
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Schwab DB, Casasa S, Moczek AP. 2017. Ecol Lett 188(6):679-692.


Niche construction, sources of selection and trait coevolution
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Laland KN, Odling-Smee JF, Endler J. 2017. Interface Focus 2017 7 20160147.


Signals of selection in conditionally expressed genes in the diversification of three horned beetle species.
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Pespeni MH, Ladner JT, Moczek AP. 2017. J Evol Biol 10.1111/jeb.13079.


Conserved patterns of integrated developmental plasticity in a group of polyphenic tropical butterflies.
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van Bergen E, Osbaldeston D, Kodandaramaiah U, Brattström O, Aduse-Poku K, Brakefield PM. 2017. BMC Evol Biol 17:59 DOI 10.1186/s12862-017-0907-1.


Control of finite critical behaviour in a small-scale social system.
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Daniels BC, Krakauer DC, Flack JC. 2017. Nat Commun 8:14301.


New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social science perspectives.
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Bateson P, Cartwright N, Dupré J, Laland KN, Noble D. 2017. Interface Focus 7:20170051.


Cultural attractor theory and explanation.
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Buskell A. 2017. Philos Theor Pract Biol 9:13.


Forces, friction and fractionation: Denis Walsh’s Organisms, agency, and evolution.
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Buskell A & Currie A. 2017. Biol Philos DOI 10.1007/s10539-017-9585-z.


Cultural evolutionary theory: How culture evolves and why it matters.
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Creanza N, Kolodny O, Feldman MW. 2017. PNAS 114(30):7782-7789.


Greater than the sum of its parts? Modelling population contact and interaction of cultural repertoires.
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Creanza N, Kolodny O, Feldman MW. 2017. J R Soc Interface 14:20170171.


Dual coding theory explains biphasic collective computation in neural decision-making.
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Daniels BC, Flack JC, Krakauer DC. 2017. Front Neurosci 11:313.


On the standardization of fitness and traits in comparative studies of phenotypic selection.
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De Lisle SP, Svensson EI. 2017. Evolution 71(10):2313–2326.


Signatures of selection in embryonic transcriptomes of lizards adapting in parallel to cool climate.
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Feiner N, Rago A, While GM, Uller T. 2017. Evolution 72(1):67-81.


Why Gupta et al.’s critique of niche construction theory is off target.
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Feldman MW, Odling-Smee FJ, Laland KN. 2017. J Genetics 96(3):505-508.


Coarse-graining as a downward causation mechanism.
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Flack JC. 2017. Phil Trans R Soc A 375:20160338.


Life’s information hierarchy.
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Flack JC. 2017. In From matter to life: Information and causality. Imari Walker S, Davies PCW, Ellis GFR (eds). MIT Press, pp. 283-302.


The driving forces of cultural complexity: Neanderthals, modern humans, and the question of population size.
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Fogarty L, Yuichiro Wakano J, Feldman MW, Aoki K. 2017. Hum Nat 28(1):39-52.


The purpose of adaptation.
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Gardner A. 2017. Interface Focus 7:20170005.


Extended spider cognition.
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Japyassú HF, Laland KN. 2017. Anim Cogn 20:375-395.


Game-changing innovations: How culture can change the parameters of its own evolution and induce abrupt cultural shifts.
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Kolodny O, Creanza N, Feldman MW. 2017. PLOS Comput Biol 12(12):e1005302.


A parsimonious neutral model suggests Neanderthal replacement was determined by migration and random species drift.
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Kolodny O, Feldman MW. 2017. Nat Commun 8:1040.


Evolution of risk preference is determined by reproduction dynamics, life history, and population size.
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Kolodny O, Stern C. 2017. Sci Rep 7:9364.


Schism and synthesis at the Royal Society.
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Laland KN. 2017. TREE 32(5):316-317.


Collective memory in primate conflict implied by temporal scaling collapse.
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Lee ED, Daniels BC, Krakauer DC, Flack JC. 2017. J R Soc Interface 14:20170223.


Human nature, human culture: the case of cultural evolution.
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Lewens T. 2017. Interface Focus 7:20170018.


The evolution of cognitive mechanisms in response to cultural innovations.
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Lotem A, Halpern JY, Edelman S, Kolodny O. 2017. PNAS 114(30):7915-7922.


Evo-devo and niche construction.
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Schwab DB, Moczek AP. 2017. In Evolutionary developmental biology. Nuño de la Rosa L, Müller GB (eds). Springer.


The extension of biology through culture.
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Whiten A, Ayala FJ, Feldman MW, Laland KN. 2017. PNAS 114(30):7775–7781.





Game-Changing Innovations: How Culture Can Change the Parameters of Its Own Evolution and Induce Abrupt Cultural Shifts
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Kolodny O, Creanza N, Feldman MW. PLoS Comput Biol. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005302


Developmental and ecological benefits of the maternally transmitted microbiota in a dung beetle.
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Schwab DB, Riggs HE, Newton ILG, Moczek AP. 2016. Am Nat 188(6):679-692.


Worldwide genetic and cultural change in human evolution.
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Creanza N, Feldman MW. 2016. Curr Opin Genetics Dev 41:85-92.


On the adaptive evolution of extinction.
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Morris DW, Lundberg P. 2016. Evol Ecol Res 17(6):737-741.

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